LogonAssist  Never forget another password!

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Adding your first accounts

  1. Type in a name for the account next to the 'Account' label.
  2. Enter the account's Web site address next to the 'Web' label. Either type it in, or paste it from your Web browser's address bar. Include everything including the 'http:' part of the address.
  3. The 'Last Updated' and 'Reminder Interval' fields are intended to help you update your account information regularly (see How you can protect your data).

If you do not know when you last updated your personal information on this Web site, leave the date set to the default (today). If you do know, you can enter the correct date. Use the up and down arrows at the right of the date to go forward or back one month at a time. Overtype the day or year if needed, and tab across to the Reminder Interval.

Type a number in the Reminder Interval, or use the up or down arrows to the right of it, to set how often you want to change the account information. When you select an account from the Explorer Bar, LogonAssist will check whether to remind you to update the site. (After you have added a couple of accounts, you can experiment with these settings and see what happens).

  1. Now fill in the username and password details in the lower half of the screen. 

You will find that selecting and pointing to text in the lower half of the information area is slightly different to doing it in the upper half. This is because the lower half is a table, and Java makes you select a table cell before selecting the text in it. More about this, and some other information about the Java 'look and feel', may be found in Look and feel. For now, it is worth experimenting with multiple mouse clicks and seeing what happens. In particular, if you want to select all the text in a cell, try triple-clicking it.

A number of field names have already been set up by LogonAssist. If you want to delete any of them, delete the text in the Field column and tab across to its corresponding Value. (You can choose which of these field names are pre-filled on a new account by using the General tab of the Options dialog).

  1. You have now filled in all the information about the account. Before you save it, you can check the details are correct by logging on to it (you must of course be online to the Internet to do this).

Press the logon button on the toolbar. Your default browser will open and take you to the site.

You can now copy the signon information  from LogonAssist to your browser. Select the text you want to transfer and press Ctrl-C. Use whatever method you usually do to paste it into your browser - perhaps Ctrl-V.

  1. When you have entered all the details you require, use Save Details As a New Account    .  The account name will appear in the Explorer Bar, and the details will be saved in the computer memory. Note that nothing is saved to disk until you explicitly request it using Save  or SaveAs  .

Adding more accounts

To add more accounts you have two options, depending how similar the new account may be to one you have already added:

  • If the details are very different, press Start New Account     and repeat the above steps.
  • If they are similar to an existing account:
    •  display that account in the Information Area by clicking on it in the Explorer Bar
    •  amend it as required

    • use Save Details As a New Account    .

Import the sample files (optional)

LogonAssist is supplied with some sample files containing names and Web addresses for a number of UK institutions. See the Samples folder, which you will find in the folder where you installed LogonAssist. If you wish, you may import any of  these by using ImportCSV    .

Imported accounts are appended to the end of the Explorer Bar to make it easier to delete any unwanted ones. To insert a wanted account into its proper place in the Explorer Bar, select it and use Save Details     .

Saving your work

So far all you have done has only been stored in your computer's memory. To save it to disk, use SaveAs    .

What next?

Now you have set up a few accounts it is time to experiment with the other things you can do. If you do not want to risk losing the work you have already done, use SaveAs    again to save it to another file and experiment with that. 

Have a look at the help for Commands and Options as you work.

Questions about this web site should be directed to webmaster@logonassist.co.uk.
LogonAssist Copyright © 2002 - 2006 Berrick Computing Ltd. All rights reserved.